Root Canal Therapy




Root canal treatment (also known as endodontic therapy, endodontic treatment, or root canal therapy) is a treatment sequence for the infected pulp of a tooth which is intended to result in the elimination of infection and the protection of the decontaminated tooth from future microbial invasion.

How many days do you need to recover from a root canal?

Most patients recover from their root canal after a few daysIn rare cases, some patients experience complications and may take a week or even two to recover

How painful is a root canal?

Does a root canal hurt? A root canal procedure sounds scary, but with today's technology, it's typically not a whole lot more different than having a deep filling. There's little to no pain because your dentist will use local anesthesia to numb your tooth and gums so you're comfortable during the procedure

Can I eat after root canal?

You must eat soft foods for two to three days after the root canal treatment. Avoid eating anything which is too hot or cold. Don't eat crunchy or hard food till you have crowns. For relief from discomfort, rinse mouth with lukewarm salt water.

What can you not do after a root canal?

Please avoid biting on the tooth for the next few days. It is not unusual for the tooth to be tender after a root canal, and healing occurs more quickly if you do not chew on it immediately. Also, avoid biting your lip, cheek, and tongue while anesthetized (numb) since this may cause damage to them

Can a root canal be done in one day?

root canal can take anywhere from 90 minutes to 3 hours. It can sometimes be done in one appointment but may require two. A root canal may be done by your dentist or an endodontist. Endodontists have more specialized training for root canal treatment.

How can I avoid a root canal?

Avoidance Tactics: Top 10 Tips to Avoid Root Canal Treatment
  1. Brush twice daily. ...

  2. Floss once daily. ...

  3. Avoid hard foods such as hard candies and lollipops. ...

  4. Weak teeth be wary. ...

  5. Back away from the ice! ...

  6. Wear a mouth guard at night. ...

  7. Wear a mouth guard while playing sports. ...

  8. Avoid acidic drinks and foods like soda and citrus juice.